Writing a book, insha Allah

Alhamdulillah, I’ve started writing a book. A muslim romance. I read A LOT of books, but I’ve never really found a muslim romance that I liked, so I figured I’d write the book I want to read. Insha Allah I succeed at writing a great book. So far I’ve written 7 chapters. 😀😀😀 I’m so excited for this journey.


I have deleted the previous post I wrote about polygyny. Someone decided to copy and paste my article and use it to prove that niqab promotes inequality and forces polygyny on niqab wearers. I will not be a part of that fitnah, so I decided to delete the article. May Allah forgive me if I aided in people believing her ignorant point of view. Ameen.

Sooooooooooo True

Surah Al Ahzab: 59

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.  


Guess What

I’m sorry I haven’t written a post in a few days. We might be moving this week insha Allah, so I’ve been trying to pack and organize. and I also found out……… I’m pregnant. Alhamdulillah. Yayyyyyyyyyy.

It’s Been A While

Sorry readers. I know I haven’t posted in a while. Well.. hurricane Sandy hit my area so I didn’t have power for 6 days, so I ended up staying at my bnrother in law’s house. Awkward to say the least, and crowded. My husband was away during all this because his work had him go to Texas, since the office up here would probably lose power. When he got back from nice old Texas, he informed me that he liked it a lot down there and we will be moving there in July insha Allah. So, being a person who likes to do things way before they need to be done, I’ve been searching for apartments like crazy, looking at school systems, and crime rates. Crossing my T’s and dotting my I’s. I will get back to posting insha Allah.

"Love for the Sunnah"


This is a new project we launched yesterday at King Saud University. it’s a
complete online interactive Arabic and it’s completely FREE. it’s a service
that King Saud University offers to the international community around the
world. You can start learning immediately after the short registration. You
can follow any of these two links:



Please don’t hesitate to provide us with any suggestions or comments

twitter @interactivearab

Kindly forward this to those interested in learning Arabic

Interactive Arabic Team

Arabic Language institute at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, is proud
to launch the Interactive Arabic Project. The Interactive Arabic is a
pioneering online Arabic Language project which provides a very rich
environment equipped with advanced technologies. The purpose of the project
is to help nonnative speakers interested in learning Arabic by offering
complete Arabic lessons to be available for free on the internet.

View original post 111 more words


Alhamdulillah, I’ve been nominated for a reader appreciation award.

Thanx Secret Hijabi. http://thesecrethijabi.wordpress.com/ I really appreciate it.

When you’re nominated, you have to answer 10 questions, so here I go.

Favorite color: Gray

My favorite animal: Lion

What is your favorite non- alcoholic drink?  Apple Juice

What do you prefer Twitter or Facebook? I don’t have either

What is your favorite pattern? I don’t know

Would you rather receive or give presents?  Receive

Favorite number? 3

Favorite day? Saturday

Favorite flower? Roses

Passion?  My kids, writing, cooking, Islam